22 de agosto de 2012

Errores comunes que todos los empresarios pequeños deben evitar

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If you are thinking about starting your first real business, get ready to embark on the most treacherous, exciting, rewarding, and infuriating journey of your life. The life a new entrepreneur is one of constant problem solving, careful planning, and ruthless execution. In the next several months, you'll encounter disasters and opportunities, crises and celebrations, and if you make it out with positive revenue in the books, you'll have learned what you're truly made out of. In order to better prepare you for what lies ahead, we have compiled a guide to avoiding six crucial mistakes that junk businesses before they leave quarter one. Avoiding these mistakes in your own company will save you boat-loads of time and money, so be on the lookout for them at every turn.

The "Great Idea" Business
One of the worst ways to think about a new business is the "great idea" approach. The "great idea" approach can best be summed up as the guy who has a big idea and is sure that by creating it, the business will just roll in. Before putting an ounce of energy into creating your product, you need to identify your target market and understand why they will want what you sell. The easiest way to start thinking along these lines is to ask yourself the question, "who has a problem that my business will solve?"
Until you fully understand the needs of your target customer, you will never figure out how to structure your business to serve them. Venture capitalist Paul Graham talks about this mistake on his blog, stating that "…a surprising number of founders seem willing to assume that someone, they're not sure exactly who, will want what they're building. Do the founders want it? No, they're not the target market. Who is? Teenagers. People interested in local events…or "business" users. What business users? Gas stations? Movie studios? Defense contractors?"

Not Being Willing to Change
Adaptation is crucial to the success of a new business, but rarely is that truer than when you are just starting out. Often times, founders believe they know for certain what people want and how to give it to them. Unfortunately, they become so enraptured with what they believe is the "right way" of doing things that they are unwilling to listen to what their customers actually want. SmallBusinessBranding reminds us that listening to your market and adapting to the needs your customers express is an important part of running a successful company.
Remember – you are not creating your product or service for yourself, you are doing it for your target audience. Who better to tell you how well you are doing than them?

Waiting to Start
Want to know how to destroy your business fast? Wait for the perfect time to start – it will never come. Life always gets in the way of something as time consuming as starting a business. School, work, family obligations – all will be as much of a hindrance next month as they are today. If you can drill one lesson into your head as you wade into the waters of entrepreneurship, make it this: there is no reason not to have progress.

Waiting for Funding
Having no funding gives new founders a comfortable excuse to delay diving in and immersing themselves in their company, which can make the whole thing look and feel a lot less serious. Not only does this "hurry up and wait" approach kill the energy and morale of a new team, it can be a real turn off to investors.
Venture capitalists and bank officers alike prefer to see that you have created something of value without their money before trusting you to wisely manage a huge investment. As terrific as it would be to have a shiny new office and an unlimited supply of materials, that comes later. By all means, aggressively pursue the funds you need, but understand that now is the time to head out to the garage and build what you have set out to create. Again – there is no reason not to have progress.

Being Penny Wise and Pound Foolish
Money is often tight for a new business struggling to get off the ground, and authorizing expense money for anything other than the bare necessities can feel painful. However, as a new entrepreneur with the best interest of your organization in mind, understand that it doesn't pay to pinch pennies where they truly count. Your personal skill and the talent that you hire will form the foundation upon which your entire company either thrives or crumbles. Therefore, training materials, expert consulting, and skilled labor are necessary expenses of any new business, and should never be ignored in the name of saving money.

Not Setting Deadlines
There is a mantra in the business world that is good for new founders to learn early on: "Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion." This is known as Parkinson's Law, and it means that deadlines motivate us. Without deadlines, the effort required to complete a task is either overestimated or under-appreciated, and so the founder goes ok chipping away at it like a brick of ice rather than buckling down conquering the whole project.
When a reasonable deadline for completed work is set, it acts a psychological anchor to which the worker is held. In the back of his or her mind, the founder knows that if they blow the deadline, they're going to have to go hat in hand to the other team members and explain why the task was ignored. This is a very uncomfortable and embarrassing experience. Use deadlines to your advantage, and never settle for the "I'll do it when I have the time" attitude, or as Parkinson reminds us, it will never get done.
About the Author: Jeremy Wright is a freelance writer for SuddenPayday.com. Sudden Payday is dedicated to providing consumers with a one-stop payday loan resource center and matching them with lenders. They bring lenders and consumers together. Apply for payday loans online at their website.

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